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A Road Towards Quality Improvement

When you are thinking about health quality improvement, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Better education for the future doctors? More budget which would be arranged in a way which would increase the quality of the healthcare? Well, it may be. All those things are very important when we are talking about the most important thing in life-health.

But, there is one more thing you have probably forgotten about, or it just didn't come into your mind. Patient satisfaction surveys! This great tool for quality improvement has been neglected for so many years, or better to say decades. Since the last two decades, people realized the importance of such an invention. What caused it to become popular and appreciated? It may be the internet, social media, human's dissatisfaction with their previous experiences with healthcare or something else. You will recognize your reason. It was very hard to recognize the gaps in the healthcare work because there weren't many people who talked about it. You know how that story goes... One person has a bad experience with some doctor or a specialist for some kind, and he/she tells it to his/her friend etc. Nowadays, when such surveys exist, people can easily decide which way to go. They can find their perfect doctor, someone who will understand them, and the best of it, the whole thing with the healthcare institution will level up! No mistakes could be tolerated with such monitoring. Also, my personal opinion is that the employees would better treat their patients and also care about their rate. Everyone wants to be good rated and of course to keep their patients.

Patient feedback surveys had literally changed the way of work of the healthcare providers. Today, they know their gaps and mistakes and they are trying their best to fix them. When I think about myself or my family, I wouldn't risk going to a doctor which is low rated. You know the fact, there is only one thing where you shouldn't try to save money and it is your body. When you are not feeling well, nothing will make you happy. There doesn't exist such an amount of money which can buy someone's health. So, take care of yourself and of your loved ones. Be patient and have enough time to review the doctors, clinics or you name it... It will make a huge difference and it will matter to everyone. To the healthcare itself and also to people who need different kinds of treatments. Nowadays, such surveys can be done online so you do not have an excuse for not doing them. It is only a few minutes. Share your experience and story, and it doesn't matter if it was good or a bad one (I really hope it was a good one), and you will help people to find their perfect specialist! Also, you will help that specialist to know how to work on herself/himself to improve.

Healthcare patient satisfaction needs to be of a great importance. The World Wide Web is full of disturbing stories which are coming from the different areas of the world. People are terrified how they have been treated and also some of them are claiming to be asked for a bribe if they wanted to be treated. Those are not the things we need to be silent about! Also, think about some young doctors who are perfect in their careers, but they just don't have enough work experience to be heard about. Talk about them, rate them, and you will help both them, yourself and everyone else who needs such a service! We humans, work like engines. When the engine stops working, we start to panic and worry. How do we behave with our car for example? More gently than with our own health. That is very sad, actually. Take a minute and think about it. You won't need any more time to realize that there doesn't exist a thing which is more important than your health! So, yes, you can make a huge difference in the world by taking your place in those surveys! Stay kind to your body and it will reward you the same! Stay kind to the gentle people who deserved it, and the same thing will happen!

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