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Showing posts from December, 2017

Why do you need to learn the importance of the healthcare online reputation management?

Sometimes, when you think about much little attention we put when it comes to our own health, you will be surprised. People mostly think just about their earnings, bank accounts, houses, and cars, or they stop carrying about themselves once they get children. I saw that so many times and I couldn't stay calm and not to ask myself:''How someone thinks he or she cares about his/her youngsters when they don't take care of they own personal health?'' You know, your children need you healthy and alive as long as possible. Here, we will talk about medical online reputation management and why is it so important. What comes first to your mind when you are trying to find the health provider which will suit the best for all of your needs? You probably talk to your friends, relatives, and family to seek an advice. You don't want to pay to someone who treats you well and of course to someone who won't be able to help you, right? Absolutely, who would want someth...

A Road Towards Quality Improvement

When you are thinking about health quality improvement, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Better education for the future doctors? More budget which would be arranged in a way which would increase the quality of the healthcare? Well, it may be. All those things are very important when we are talking about the most important thing in life-health. But, there is one more thing you have probably forgotten about, or it just didn't come into your mind. Patient satisfaction surveys! This great tool for quality improvement has been neglected for so many years, or better to say decades. Since the last two decades, people realized the importance of such an invention. What caused it to become popular and appreciated? It may be the internet, social media, human's dissatisfaction with their previous experiences with healthcare or something else. You will recognize your reason. It was very hard to recognize the gaps in the healthcare work because there weren't many peo...