In 2014, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study showing 59% of American adults said online ratings were important to their decisions about provider choice. Furthermore, one-third of those patients said their choice was affected by positive reviews, and another 37% said they avoided doctors due to negative reviews. PatientTrak’s unique set of marketing and operational solutions will help you acquire patients and keep them satisfied. Brand Building – No other company can help you build you brand and turn consumers into satisfied patient like PatientTrak . We improve your: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Physician and location listing accuracy and completeness Online reputation Patient feedback process Patient flow “No show” rate Revenue Patient engagement Physician directory Patient experience Patient satisfaction Resource By : https://www.patien...
Founded in 2006, PatientTrak is the leading provider of visibility solutions that drive patient satisfaction. PatientTrak’s cloud-based visibility solutions including Visit Flow, Online Reputation and Patient Engagement are used by healthcare organizations to reduce wait times, build their brand, and improve patient satisfaction.